1. Verbal Ability.
  2. Reasoning Ability.
  3. Numerical Ability.
  4. Programming Logic.
  5. Coding.

Numerical Ability: Number System, Arithmetic, Elementary Statistics, Data Interpretation

Verbal Ability: English Grammar, Reading Comprehension

Reasoning Ability: Identifying Word and Numeric Patterns, Problem Solving, Figural and Factual Analysis, Decision Making, Propositional Reasoning, Visual/Spatial Reasoning

Test Coverage:

Assesses the knowledge and application of programming concepts.

Programming Logic: Pseudocode, Algorithms, Programming constructs, basic SDLC, implementation using C, C++ and Java

Hands-on Coding Exercise: In any one of the programming languages like C, C++, Java, Python and PERL


Statistics over!

Data Interpretation over!

Verbal Ablilty going on!

How to find number of triangle

Patten identification!

Water Image! Only top and bottom changes!

Mirror Image: Only left and right changes!


to be a typical example of something
किसी का विशिष्‍ट उदाहरण होना


to pull or turn somebody/something strongly and suddenly
व्‍यकि्त या वस्‍तु को ज़ोर से और झटका देकर खींचना या मरोड़ना


a period when the business and industry of a country is not successful
(किसी देश के व्‍यापार और उद्योग में) मंदी का दौर


a bad or difficult state or situation
दुर्दशा; प्रतिकूल या कठिन दशा या स्थिति


to bend your legs and body so that you are close to the ground
टाँगों और शरीर को ऐसे झुकाना कि ज़मीन तक पहुँच जाए; सिकुड़ कर बैठना


to keep somebody/something alive or healthy
किसी को जीवित या स्‍वस्‍थ बनाए रखना

To copy or imitate!


28 feb: Percentage,bloodrelations

1 march: syllogism,coding, Numeric 

Time& Work

5 March : SI & CI for TCS NQT need to nbe completed.

Coding Part:

Need to start!

Subject NQT:

SDLC part over!

DSA need to learn!

data sufficiency....

Who ka matlab bagak vala!

end ka matlab shuruvat wala!

Abstract Data structures are mathematical models of different Data Structures ,such as linked list ,stack , queue etc. i.e class of objects whose logical behavior is defined by a set of values and a set of operations

Innocuous: not harmful or offensive.
Harmless: not able or likely to cause harm.
Abominable: causing moral revulsion.


Adjectives are words that describe nouns (or pronouns). "Old," "green," and "cheerful" are examples of adjectives. (It might be useful to think of adjectives as "describing words.")

This infographic shows where an adjective sits in relation to the noun it describes.,the%20noun%20%22man.%22)

Grammar Monster.

(of a person) not affected by alcohol

(व्‍यक्ति) अमत्त, न पिए हुए; सौम्‍य

Answer: Collusion means secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy in order to deceive others.
So, collusion is the most suitable word to fill in the blank.

adjective: dignified
behaving in a calm, serious way that makes other people respect you
गरिमामय, मान-मर्यादापूर्ण, शालीन

Officious - intrusively enthusiastic in offering help or advice; interfering.
Indifferent - showing no concern in attitude or action.
Hence, Indifferent is the antonym of Officious.

RESTRAINT:- a measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control.
KEN:- one's range of knowledge or understanding.

Seethe - boil or be turbulent as if boiling.
Hence, cool is the antonym of Seethe.

Affect is usually a verb, and it means to impact or change. Effect, on the other hand, is usually a noun that you would use to indicate the result of a change. Because “affect” and “effect” are homophones (words that sound alike), they are often confused.

convergence means meeting or confluence or merging of a concept.

alienated means alone or aloofness

due to lack of opportunities, an individual can feel alienated or alone due to demotivation and lack of confidence

NullPointerException is a RuntimeException. In Java, a special null value can be assigned to an object reference. NullPointerException is thrown when program attempts to use an object reference that has the null value.
